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부처님은 룸비니에서 태어나고 있다 - 석가모니 부처님 탄생 / 오신 날을 축하드립니다!

카테고리 없음

by Dang Yeon Sim 2 2023. 6. 8. 21:19


Lord Sakyamuni Buddha is born in Lumbini - Đức Phật Thích Ca Mâu Ni Đản Sinh Ở Lâm Tỳ Ni.

Happy Birthday Sakyamuni Buddha / Vesak Day - Mừng Ngày Đại Lễ Phật Đản!!!

On April 8 624 BC, Lord Buddha was born as Siddhartha Gautama (Tất Đạt Đa Cồ Đàm / 悉達多瞿曇 / 실달다 구담), the Crown Prince of Sakya Kingdom where is now Nepal. His father is King Suddhodana (Vua Tịnh Phạn / 淨飯王 / 정반왕) and mother is Queen Maya (Hoàng Hậu Ma Da / 摩耶皇后 / 마야황후), who is also known as the Saint Mother of Lord Buddha, similar role like Maria Mother of Lord Jesus Christ in Christianity.

(This photo was Upscaled and Edited by Me, Dang Yeon Sim)



In many Buddhist Sutras (Buddhist Books), Lord Buddha said that he actually enlightened and become a Buddha, a Prime since 10 kappas ago (which is about 9.6 million years ago). But he want to go back to this impured world for the last time as he want to show all humans and live beings that a normal human, an ordinary person can become a Buddha, who is the Absolute Enlightened Person and everyone can become a Lord Buddha if they can learn, practice and enlighten themselves for a long time running of perseverance and effort. He was born in this world as a normal human, and then become someone who is different, a Superman, who is far beyond from human and a Saint of Saints, the King of Kings, God among Gods, the Master and Mentor of Human and Heaven. And everything he did was just want to prove us that anyone can be a Buddha, a Prime like him, it doesn't matter who they are, what is their religion, where are they come from and the culture...etc.

And one of the main reasons why he was born in this world for the last time is also because he just did exactly what he wished and promised. According to some Buddhist scriptures like Buddhavamsa (Phật Chủng Tính Kinh, Phật Tánh Kinh / 佛種性經,  佛性經 / 불종성경) and Jataka (Bổn Sanh Đàm / 本生譚 / 본생담), it tells about the tale of Sumedha (Thiện Tuệ / 善慧 / 선혜) who is the previous life of Lord Sakyamuni (Amitabha) Buddha. Sumedha may be the oldest previous life Lord Buddha as he met Dipankara Buddha (Nhiên Đăng Cổ Phật / 燃燈古佛 / 연등고불), who was the leader of Thirteen Ancient Buddhas that existed in 9 billion years ago. Dipankara Buddha gave Sumedha the prophecy that he will become a Lord Buddha named Sakyamuni (Thích Ca Mâu Ni / 釋迦牟尼佛 / 석가모니) in far future and he will be born on Jambu Dvipa (Planet Earth) and become the founder of a great religion called "Buddhism" (Phật Giáo / 佛教 / 불교). So his birth and appearing in human's real life history is the promise and the prophecy that Sumedha had with Lord Dipankara Buddha before.

In Maha Pari Nirvana Sutra (Kinh Đại Bát Niết Bàn / 大般涅槃經 / 대반열반경), Lord Sakyamuni Buddha once mentioned about 4 types of birth are:

1. Womb Born = Thai Sanh (胎生 / 태생) like mammals like Tiger, Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Rhino, Buffalo...etc
2. Egg Born = Noãn Sanh (卵生 / 난생) like Reptiles and Birds like Eagle, Crocodile, Lizard, Swan, Chicken...etc
3.  Moisture Born = Thấp Sanh (濕生 / 습생) like some of Fishes, Crustacean and Insects.
4.  Miraculously Born = Hóa Sanh (化生 / 화생) like Fantastic Animals from Super Worlds like Dragon, Winged Tiger (Qiong Qi), Unicorn, Phoenix, Griffin...etc

So his disciples asked Lord Buddha why does he chose to be born as Womb Born as other humans and wasn't born as Miraculously Birth. He answered and explained that if he was born as Miraculously Birth like super life forms and fantastic beasts in super worlds, the human kinds won't believe in him because he's so much superior than them and no one can reach up to as well as they will says he's not real and just a made up person that doesn't exist, so he chose to be born as a normal human before he become a powerful and wise Buddha. He also said that he is the real person, a human in real life history but there are still many people keep saying he's not real, so if he was born like gods, dragons...etc then humans would not believe in him.

Nepal was once India until it departed from India and remains after many invasions of Extreme Muslim in 11th century and later, the rule of British in India since 18th century. Nepal, where Lord Buddha was born was the ancient Sakya Kingdom that Lord Buddha was the Crown Prince, with Kapilavasthu city (Thành Ca Tỳ La Vệ / 迦毗羅衛城 / 가비라위성) as the capital.

- Three Most Important Events of Lord Buddha's Life - 3 Sự Kiện Quan Trọng Nhất trong cuộc đời của Đức Phật - 부처님의 생애에서 셋 가장 중요한 사건:

From the left the right: Birth (Đản Sinh / 탄생), Enlightenment / Bodhi (Thành Đạo Giác Ngộ / 성도, 각오) and Entering Nirvana / Pari Nirvana (Nhập Niết Bàn / 열반에 들기).



Since 1999, United Nation recognized Lord Buddha's Birthday or also known as Vesak Day is the international public holiday of culture and spirituality as they celebrates this day as "Three Momentous Events Festival" which marked 3 of the most important events of Lord Buddha's life are his Birth, Enlightenment and Entering Nirvana (Death, Passed Away) on the same day of Full Moon of Vesakha (April 15 - Full Moon in Lunar Calendar) every year.

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